With the loosening up of medicinal and recreational marijuana laws in Massachusetts, local grow facilities for cannabis or marijuana plants need HVACR contractors in Massachusetts who understand the unique climate and humidity control needs of hydroponic and aeroponic facilities.
Today’s marijuana grow facilities are a far cry from the dark basements and homemade greenhouses that have been the images seen on TV or in movies. These facilities are state-of-the-art facilities with the need for sophisticated HVAC equipment and controls.
Whether it’s a new build, retrofit of an existing facility or on-going monitoring, maintenance or control of the hydroponic or aeroponic marijuana facility, we can help.
Have Questions? Call Us Today At 508.763.3738
Cooling and dehumidification are the most basic components of hydroponic and aeroponic facilities. It’s critical that the systems in place are efficient, reliable and well-controlled. The challenge is to provide HVAC units that can meet the high heat loads that are created during the “lights-on” growth periods and also provide high levels cooling as the plants transpire (the process of water evaporating from plant surfaces into the air). In addition, during the extremely dry winter months in New England, marijuana facilities also have to consider adding humidity controls. The style of humidification is important. Many facilities are opting for ultrasonic humidification because it doesn’t deposit contamination on the plants and generally uses less energy than typical humidification products.
The unique needs of marijuana facilities don’t end with HVAC and humidification either. Other concerns such as managing CO2 levels in the facility to provide proper “breathing conditions” for the plants, as well as preventing cross contamination of separate pollen strains by managing room pressurization levels to “contain” pollen to specific areas, all play a role in the quality of marijuana produced.
Modern day marijuana and cannabis grow facilities require modern day HVAC solutions to provide the highest quality and best growth environment for production. Make sure you have the right HVACR contractor to help you grow your growing business.
Have Questions? Call Us Today At 508.763.3738