The Holiday Season is a time for fun, family and friends. Every year, Advance Air celebrates our employees with a small get-together. Usually lots of food, some silly games and maybe most importantly, an open bar. This year, in an effort to foster an intimate, cozy and relaxed environment for the party (and also because I started planning too late for any other venue…oops!) I plan to open up my own home for the party.
To put a special spin on this year’s Holiday Party, I decided to created a signature cocktail that takes a classic favorite and makes it just a touch snazzier for the holiday. After a few horrific failures, I was quite proud of what I ended up with. As my holiday gift to you, I will share my new favorite drink recipe! It’s official unveiling will be this weekend. Hopefully it’s a hit!
The Advance Air Holiday Margarita
3 parts Sour Mix (I either make my own, or I use Lemate* brand, my favorite brand, BY FAR)
1 1/2 parts Tequila (I used 1800 Reposado)
1/2 part Grand Marnier
1 part cranberry juice
squeeze lime
Mix together all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with lots of ice, strain and serve garnished with frozen cranberries in the fanciest glass you can find. Delish!!
*A special thank you to the very awesome people at Lemate for the delicious margarita base recipe that made this drink possible!